Join #SVM community

Benefits of Joining.


Engage with fellow students, professionals from various fields, and influential thought leaders.


Engage in student round table discussions both domestically and internationally.

Global experience

Seize the chance to represent #SVM at the Global Conclave on March 2025 in Dubai.
Become a Student Ambassador

Attend the most inspiring student conference where your voice will be heard.

Broaden your global network, earn certificates, and receive prestigious accolades along with a stipend.
We're excited to invite the top student voices from around the world to join us for an enriching experience focused on learning, growth, networking, career opportunities, and mastery in their respective fields.
Chief Student Ambassador If chosen as a Chief Ambassador, you'll qualify for the March 2025 Dubai Conclave and receive a certificate and stipend. If you would like more information, please contact your #SVM East Student President.
Student Ambassador If chosen as a Ambassador, you'll qualify for the March 2025 Dubai Conclave, along with receiving a certificate and Incentive. For further information, reach out to your #SVM East Student President.
Moderator If chosen as a Moderator, you'll qualify for the March 2025 Dubai Conclave and receive a certificate and stipend. If you would like more information, please contact your #SVM East Student President.
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